Campaign Snapshot
Generate a summary of your Campaign performance (integrates
with BitFaster Online, our email tracking service) |
Sample |
Campaign Seen By
Generate a list of Contacts who have seen the selected
Campaign |
View Sample |
URL Clicks
Generate a list of Contacts who have clicked on URLs defined
in a Campaign |
Top 50 Domain Performance
Get a list of top 50 domain names and their performance for
which emails were sent for a Campaign |
View Sample |
Get a list of Countries and Cities from where people have
seen the selected Campaign |
Sample |
Email Clients
Get a list of Email Clients which people have used to view
the selected Campaign |
View Sample |
Operating Systems
Get a list of Operating Systems which people have used to
view the selected Campaign |
View Sample |
Compare Email Campaigns
Compare and analyze two different Campaigns or two
references of the same Campaign |
View Sample |
Email Campaign Summary
Generate a summary of all Email Campaigns sent for the
selected period |
View Sample |
Campaign Log
Generate a log for the selected Email or SMS Campaign |
Subscribe/Unsubscribe Summary
Generate a summary of subscribes/unsubscribes for all the Email
Campaigns |
Subscriber List
Generate a list of subscribes for the selected period |
Unsubscriber List
Generate a list of unsubscribes for the selected period |
Bounce List
Generate a list of bounced emails for the selected Campaign
reference |