Using BitFaster 9.0

A Step-by-Step Tutorial


This tutorial is intended to give you a quick overview on how to use BitFaster and the email tracking service "BitFaster Online". You will also learn how to create your first Email Campaign, send it and then track it. Please keep in mind the following things:

We are assuming that you have already installed BitFaster Express/Professional 9.0 on your Computer. If not, you can download the latest update from Please note that BitFaster Express is free and the Professional edition has to be purchased separately.

If you have not yet started BitFaster, please do so now by using any of the shortcuts created when you installed the software.

BitFaster Today

BitFasterToday is the startup page that displays a lot of useful information that's live from the BitFaster servers. The contents of this page are subject to change anytime. Our primary goal is to provide information that can help you design your campaigns better.

Step 1 - Create a Group

BitFaster stores your Contacts under Groups. A Group is a folder that can be used to organize your Contacts logically. For example, you could include all your customers or clients under a group named "Customers".

There is no limit on the number of Groups you can define in BitFaster. Similarly, there is no limit on the number of Contacts you can have under each Group. Start by creating a Group as shown below.

You can create a Group in many ways. The easiest way is to just click on the New Group icon in the toolbar (2nd icon from the left). A Group can be up to 100 characters in length and can include space character. You cannot have Contacts without Groups in BitFaster. Every Contact should belong to a Group.

Step 2 - Add a Contact

Once you have created a Group, click on the New Contact icon in the toolbar (1st icon from the left) to bring up the New Contact window. You can simply put in the First Name and Default Email Address to add a Contact. Only two fields are mandatory in this case. Please note that BitFaster displays the label/caption in BOLD if a particular field is mandatory.

Step 3 - Using the Contact Manager

Click on the Contact Manager icon in the toolbar (3rd icon from the left) to bring up the Contact Manager window. Select the Group from the drop down box to view a list of all Contacts under it. As you can see from the screenshot below, the Group "Customers" is selected and the contact we just added above is shown in the list. The Contact Manager is a versatile tool which allows you to perform a number of operations on contacts. You can hover over the icons to see the explanation on what options are available.

The second half of the horizontal window pane displays the Contact Details for the selected Contact.

Step 4 - Add an SMTP Server

BitFaster needs an SMTP server to send out Email Campaigns. If you are using an email client such as Outlook for email communication, you have already configured an SMTP server before. Check the server details from your email client and then add a new SMTP server in BitFaster. Without SMTP authentication, your email messages won't be sent by BitFaster.

To add a new SMTP server, choose File > New > SMTP Server from the menu bar. The Server Name is for your reference only; you can input any text that will help you identify the server you are using. The Host Address will normally be something like "". The User Name could be your email address itself. Check with your System Administrator in case of any doubt.

Enter the details as shown in the screenshot below and click on Add to add a new SMTP server. If you wish to test this connection, you can click on the Test button. Please note that you will have to update a Notification Email Address in the Options window (View > Options) before you can perform this connection test.

Step 5 - Create an Email Campaign

You are now ready to create your first Email Campaign in BitFaster. We are assuming that you already have an HTML file that you wish to send out. If not, you can create a simple HTML page by using the built-in HTML Editor (Tools > BitFaster HTML Editor). Or click here to view a sample page.

To add a new Email Campaign, click on the New Email Campaign icon in the toolbar (4th icon from the left).

There are 10 tabs available to the left of the New Email Campaign window. The first one "General" is automatically selected when you open the window. Our objective is to create an HTML campaign.

To start with, enter a Campaign Name (up to 100 characters allowed). Then choose the HTML tab and select the HTML file you have created before. If you want to track your email campaign (as explained in steps 7 and 8 below), do not check the option "Embed Images".

Now click on the Groups tab on the left.

You can select one or more Groups from the list. This is the first level of filtering you can apply in BitFaster to target your campaigns. Now click on the SMTP/Message Settings tab on the left.

The information in this tab is crucial since it identifies you, the sender to your recipients. "From Name" and "From Address" are mandatory. You can either use your name or the company name in the "From Name" field and enter a valid email address in the "From Address" field. Keep in mind that the content of these fields are also important to ensure that your email gets past the anti-spam filters.

Other fields are optional and you can leave the default settings for those where applicable.

You are then required to select at least one SMTP server from the SMTP Server(s) list. You can use more than one server if you wish to balance your campaign load.

You now have enough information to add the email campaign. Now click on the Add button at the bottom of the window to add this email campaign.

Step 6 - Edit an Email Campaign

Now that your email campaign is added, there are a few more things that need to be updated. Make sure that you have selected "Email Campaigns" in the left tree view (under the Main tab). Now double click on the Email Campaign to bring up the Edit Email Campaign window.

You can have one or more Message Subjects defined for your campaign. The Subject you add here is the one that your recipients will see in their inbox as the email subject. For the time being, just add one Subject line. Click on the Add button in the Message Subject(s) frame and key in your subject line. Click on the Save button to save your changes and close this window.

Step 7 (Requires BitFaster Online Registration - FREE for Express users)

You can skip this step if you already have a registered account. This is a one time procedure.

Email Marketing can be very successful if you are able to get answers to questions like "Who, When, Where, How" etc. For example, it would be quite useful from the sales perspective to know who has viewed your email campaign and what links they have clicked on.

BitFaster can help you track your email campaigns. It provides numerous reports that can help you measure your campaign's success rate. In order to use the tracking feature, you should subscribe to our "BitFaster Online" service. Please check for subscription details.

To access this service, you can go to and sign up.

Once you have signed up, you will receive an email which contains the password. Now switch back to BitFaster Express/Professional and follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the Options icon in the toolbar
  2. Select BitFaster Online
  3. Enter the Login Email Address (email address you registered as) and the Password (you should have received this by email; please check your junk folder if you are not sure)
  4. Click on Update to save the changes

This is a one time procedure.

Now make sure that you have selected "Email Campaigns" from the tree view in the Main tab. Double click on the email campaign (on the right pane) to bring up the Edit Email Campaign window. Make sure that the "Embed Images" option is unchecked in the General tab. If you have checked this option, you cannot track your email campaign.

Click on the Online Tracking tab to bring up the screen as shown below. Now simply click on the Get Campaign Reference Code button.

BitFaster Express/Professional will now connect to the BitFaster Online server and get a new Campaign Reference Code (CRC). CRC is a code that's generated by BitFaster Online to map your email campaign with that of the online tracking code.

You should see the screen as below if you get the code successfully. Now click on the Ok button to close the dialog box. Click on the Save button now to save the changes and close the campaign window.

Step 8 - Preview Campaign

Having created the campaign, it is absolutely essential that you should preview it before you send it out. To preview an email campaign, right click on a campaign (as shown below) and choose Preview Campaign.

The Campaign Preview tab displays your HTML campaign as-it-is (without mail merging or personalization). Make sure that your HTML file has the System Variable "[TrackingCode]" inserted at the bottom of your campaign text (required only if you want to track your email campaign). Keep in mind that all System Variables are case sensitive and must be enclosed in square brackets - like [FullNameX]. For details about the variables available, choose View > System Variables.

Step 9 - Send the Email Campaign

You are now ready to send your first email campaign! To start an email campaign, click on the Start Email Campaign icon in the toolbar (6th icon from the left). From the Start Email Campaign window, choose the campaign you just created and click on Start. just initiated your first Email Campaign from BitFaster!

If your SMTP server settings are correct, you should see the campaign progress as below.

Step 10 - Synchronize with BitFaster Online

You can skip this step if you are not tracking your email campaign.

If you have enabled tracking and sent out your email campaign, you can generate amazing reports from BitFaster. But before that, you will have to synchronize the tracking data that is captured on BitFaster Online with your local BitFaster Express/Professional database.

The tracking code inserted by BitFaster looks like below:

<IMG src="">

What is captured by BitFaster Online?

Whenever a user views your email campaign (with images enabled), a tracking image which is 1x1 pixel is downloaded to the user's system. If this image gets downloaded, the following information is passed on to BitFaster Online:

Please note that we do not capture email addresses on our server while tracking.

When you synchronize, this information is downloaded to your local BitFaster database. To synchronize, select Tools > Synchronize Tracking Data from the menu. Select the Campaign from the drop down menu and click on the Synchronize button after selecting the Reference Code from the list. Once it's completed, you can generate the reports.

To view the reports you can generate now, click on Reports > Email Tracking menu. Most of the reports are generated and shown in Microsoft Excel. There are a couple of reports which are also generated using Microsoft Word.

To generate reports, you will require Microsoft Office XP or above on the computer.